The Ultimate Newborn Checklist (Free Printable)
Picture this: You're counting down the weeks and months before your baby arrives. You're panicking a bit -- you're not sure how to shop for baby clothes and accessories, you're still looking at an almost empty nursery room, and you're just overwhelmed by all the choices you have to make.
Yup, we've all been there, mamas! Let us help you lighten the burden of the decision-making. We know that there's so much to prepare for, that's why we created this no frills, straightforward checklist that you can use.
The best part about having this list? You can also use this as your guide for items you may want to include in your baby registry.
See our separate blog post: Things I Wish I Added to my Baby Registry
Free Printable Newborn Checklist

Make sure to download, print, and post this on your fridge door so you won't forget it! Good luck, mama! 🥰
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