Is Ashmi & Co. A Real Company
One of the most often asked questions is Ashmi & Co. a real company. To answer the question: yes, we are! Although we are relatively new, we are a real company based in Roswell, GA, founded by a mom of two and serial woman entrepreneur, Uyo Okebie-Eichelberger. The next question we often get is where do our products ship from. We also know the question behind that question, but the answer is that all of our products ship from our Roswell-based warehouse.
A 2020 feature in Pregnancy & Newborn magazine
We understand why some may ask that question though. Too many moms have been burnt by these fly-by-night, dropshipping sites that take your money and leave you waiting for weeks or months to get crappy quality products or nothing at all. That was one of the reasons we started Ashmi & Co.
While Ashmi & Co. may be newish, this is not our first time providing high-quality products to moms like you. Ashmi & Co is the sister brand to two established maternity brands, Preggo Leggings and You! Lingerie. Since starting in 2010, these brands have been featured numerous times in print and television in spots and articles across publications Pregnancy & Newborn, Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, and more.
In talking to customers of our maternity brands, we have heard the horror stories about trying to find stylish options for their little ones from brands they know and trust. We want to provide our moms with an option that they can trust and that is one of the reasons we created Ashmi & Co.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
- The Ashmi & Co. Team